Therapeutic Massage

Why is our massage therapy better?

What separates our massage therapy department from spas, home treatments, and other massage centers is that our licensed therapists are under the direction of a supervised physician. This means the patient gets the highest level of care and knowledge available. Doctor-prescribed massage is most often covered under your health insurance.

What does massage actually do? And why do we need it?

Neuromuscular massage therapy increases local physiological reflex effects by increasing blood circulation, promoting lymphatic drainage, aiding in the development of muscle and connective tissue reconstruction, function, and movement while decreasing scar tissue formation and adhesions. Our licensed neuromuscular massage therapists are specially trained in the following forms of therapy: Myofascial Release; Lymphatic drainage; Sport Massage; Effleurage; Pétrissage; Swedish and/or Tapotement (stroking, compression, percussion)

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